
Get your Coaching Consultation now

Hi there I ´m Thea

passionate abut sharing the lessons I learned on my way to being a entreprenuer, CEO, mum, businessdeveloper , Coach, Trainer,   helping you getting Clarity on Who you want to be, your Values and Beliefs, Vision & Goals and  decisions for achieving Results faster. and becoming the Leader from inside out. I will facilitate your journey with questions, accountability, showing up , listening and be your mentor when it coms  to tools and skills .


I will  hold you accountable and work together with you on setting and ACHIEVING your greatest goals and dreams.

We will use Video conferencing so you can travel and talk to  from where ever it is convenient for  you.

Overcome limiting beliefs

Overcome limiting beliefs and ANYTHING else holding you back from living your greatest quality of life.

Achieve financial results

Work with you to achieve your financial goals and results in business and projects

Improve relationships

Improve relationships, improve confidence, happiness, ANYTHING you want to work on. 

Get your Coaching Consultation now

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50% Complete

Two Step

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