Start with your Free TOP Value Exercise

Design your Life and Business

Yes I want to do this now

What we do... We help you use your mind to make your dreams come true.

Design who you want to be and step into positively living  your dreams and purpose.

We are committed. Are you? 

The Design Your Life Class l has the latest, laser-like tools and cutting edge training to manage thoughts, emotions, actions and design a future getting results. The models and process is simple to learn and inspiring to apply immediately

Be aware of my Identity & Strengths

Get deep dive awareness of who you are and what are you strengths and potentials. My Personality and Identity and my Passion and my Mission.

Know my Values, Beliefs & Drivers

Measure what  drives your decisions and uncover your limiting beliefs. We use scientific proven assessments.

Create a Vision for myself

Envision your Business and personal Life.Design your Future Life You may choose our Guide or get 1:1  Coaching.

Create my Strategy & Action Plan

Get a Coaching session to design your strategies and Actions.

Hi I´m Thea your Business Coach

Hi I´m Thea and I help ambitious entrepreneurs and executives to succeed in Business and Life

Get a Coaching Consultation

“The distance between your dreams and reality is action.”

"Because of my Value set, I always had trouble with getting results in my Business . With Thea, I learned better techniques for achieve my Vision faster, and it's improved my life immensely."

Irina Dannikova
Business Coach , Moscow

"Knowing my limiting beliefs and my 9 Levels Values system helped me to design exactly whyt Values system i want to live and Thea helped me to overcome my limiting beliefs with powerful exercises.!"

Petra Novak
Strategy Consultant , London



50% Complete

Two Step

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